
Wastewater Treatment Standards

SMRF’s early years focused on building community support for the protection of the river and identifying areas with poor water quality. Starting with community-wide river clean ups and volunteer water quality monitors, SMRF broadened its scope and challenged the City of San Marcos’s wastewater discharge permit in the 1980’s. Arguing that the city could and should treat effluent to a higher standard to clean up heavily polluted waters downstream, SMRF prevailed and other entities voluntarily followed suit and adopted similar standards. Wastewater discharge issues continue to be a concern and SMRF is currently working on several proposed wastewater permits for subdivisions near the river to ensure that the effluent discharged into nearby creeks is treated to the highest standards possible in order to minimize damage to the river ecosystem and local water supplies. 

Make sure to read our newsletter for any updates to current wastewater permit requests that we are working to improve!